New study module DiViDe started


The new Digital Visual Design - Advanced Intermediality in Performance in collaboration with Theatre Academy

Photo by Niklas Nybom

The new Digital Visual Design - Advanced Intermediality in Performance (DiViDe) study module started on 9th February in the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. DiViDe focuses on digital visual design in performance by examining the theory, methodology and practise of the field. DiViDe is a newly launched minor (25 credits) pilot, and it is jointly organised by Degree Programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television (ELO) of School of Arts, Design & Architecture, Aalto University and Degree Programme in Lighting Design, Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki.


The approach of DiViDe courses ranges from theoretical to practical. The students will acquire advanced knowledge on the practices and theories of intermedial production in performing arts, as well as develop sophisticated technical and artistic skills for the production of digital visual media in performative context. DiViDe improves the students' abilities to critically evaluate the theoretical and practical questions within the field of visual media and performance.


DiViDe consists of five modules: 1) Introduction to Intermedial Design, 2) Digital visual media production for performing arts, 3) Interactive technologies in performing arts, 4) Performing with visual media, and
5) Mediated Performance Design. In the DiViDe study unit, master’s degree courses are arranged into a coherent study path. "Skills are more easily honed in a cumulative order, and at the same time our desire is to make it easier for international exchange students to participate. The scope of the study unit, 25 credits, has been measured so as to correspond to the requirements placed on scope by exchange programmes such as Erasmus”, explains the Tomi Humalisto, professor of lighting design in Theatre Academy.


The Introduction to Intermedial Design module ponders the concepts of media and mediality and their effects on our sense perception, conceptualisation and practices from different perspectives. The course is led by Maiju Loukola, postdoctoral researcher and member of Expanded Scenography research group in Aalto ARTS, ELO with Tomi Humalisto. Visiting lecturers such as Terike Haapoja and Dominik Schlienger will, through presentations of their own artistic activity, expand the theme of transference to areas of interspecies excange and sound art. The new, long awaited course Performing with visual media trains students in using video and intermedial visual design on stage. The course allows students of scenography, lighting design, dramaturgy, directing and acting to learn about different possibilities of expression through video recordings and real-time video streaming under the guidance of film director Esa Illi and lecturer in lighting design Kimmo Karjunen. One of the leading media designers in the Finnish scene, Teemu Määttänen is guiding the students into interactive technologies in the hands-on study modules, such as Interactive technologies in perfroming arts and Digital visual media production.


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