Open call for a Designer in Residence in Helsinki

2018-03-27 10:57:55 2018-04-03 17:00:00 Europe/Helsinki Open call for a Designer in Residence in Helsinki HIAP is looking for two local and one UK-based practitioners. Otakaari 2, 02150, Espoo

HIAP is looking for two local and one UK-based practitioners.

27.03.-03.04.2018 / 10:57 - 17:00

HIAP, in partnership with the British Council, Helsinki Design Week and Aalto University, is seeking research proposals for participation in the 2018 design residency programme in Helsinki. The programme is open for practitioners and researchers at the intersections of design, architecture and art who have interest in critically investigating design practice and innovation.

The programme comprises two working periods in Helsinki: a two-week research phase in May 2018, and a production and presentation phase of one month in the fall, that will overlap with the Helsinki Design Week (6 - 16 September 2018).

The deadline for applications is Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

Further information:
Saara Karhunen
Residency Programme Manager
+358 45 2631502